Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ways I Was Proactive Last Week

I did these good things for myself/had these good things happen to me last week:

1. I visited a state website and submitted information for a review to determine if I am eligible for public assistance of any sort.

2. I called the bank where I have a credit card and inquired about the possibility of making smaller payments. I explained to her that I had paid for credit protection insurance and my claim was rejected as untimely. She, unlike the previous rep I spoke with, advised me of my appeal rights. I wrote a beautiful letter and sent it to the appeals department.

3. I took my meds everyday -- as prescribed.

4. I ate at least once a day.

5. I received a new client which increased my hours worked from 10 to 22.

6. I went to church on Sunday and I got a big hug from a nice man. He shared his diagnosis with me (also a type of depression).

7. I took out three bags of trash and put more junk in the car to take to Goodwill.

8. I checked in with a friend every morning. She sat beside me in church and had a tissue ready in case I needed it. I didn't.

9. I attended my Chalice Circle meeting on Sunday. Unitarians have these small family-like groups called "Chalice Circles." This group, plus a few other people, were included in my coming out email. The group is a reminder that there is always someone out there who cares about my welfare.

10. I went grocery shopping with a list and only deviated from it once. I swear the chocolate was medicinal.

Not a bad week. My favorites were the hug and the chocolate.

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