I went to church today and I felt so-so. I had to leave once but only stayed out 10-15 minutes. This was our annual Halloween themed service and many of the congregants were in costume. The service featured survivors of the apocalypse and the characters were mixed between serious and silly. And I got a hug from the minister. All in all, not a bad Sunday.
One of the reasons that I visited this church was that on its homepage is a sentence including the word "JOY" in large friendly letters. Eureka!
I have found a home there and my support group are all members there. And they can be serious, passionate, and absolutely Marx Brothers silly. Did you know that every season of 30 Rock has a joke about Unitarians?
My kind of place.
I'm okay today. I missed my meds this morning, got lightheaded in church because I had forgotten to eat, but everything has been corrected. I've been trying to watch a documentary on Mark Twain and I started reading Volume 1 of Twain's autobiography. I've always been a fan and I think that's because of his struggle with depression. But I'm going to find something lighter to read.
My son came over yesterday and cleaned my kitchen while I tackled my living room floor. I am constantly being surprised and awed by him.
Tonight I will treat myself gently and find something light to read. I'll start the new week refreshed and willing to embrace better days.
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