Sunday, October 23, 2011

We Know What We Need

I came across this article in today's New York Times about a woman with schizoaffective disorder, how she takes care of herself, and what her doctor has learned from her.  It's worth reading.  It's part of a series on mental illness called "Lives Restored."

On some level, I believe all of us with BP2 know what we need.  I can only speak for myself, but from conversations with others who are dueling with depression, it seems that sometimes all we need is permission from ourselves to put ourselves first.  And to end the duel and embrace everything about ourselves.

I am in my typical autumn slump exacerbated by my current financial situation, my aunt died today, and I went through debt counseling yesterday (the advice was to see an attorney).  Things suck.  But I've been through worse and I know that I always find a way to get back up.  I am grateful that I have a doctor who wants me to email her, I have my meds, I'm taking care of my basic needs, and I am a member of two communities (my church and a women's fitness center -- I barter for my membership) who will help lift me up and allow me to lift up others when they are in need.

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