Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Maintaining Equilibrium While on Unemployment

I feel like being proactive today and that's a good sign.

Today is devoted to re-evaluating how I can meet my health and financial needs. I've been unemployed for a year, had a couple of months of severance pay, and withdrew my 401k funds, which I used to open a savings account.

Currently, my savings account has a small balance, I am working from 10 - 20 hours per week, and receive enough in unemployment benefits to keep my weekly income about equal to what unemployment alone would pay. I estimate that I have about twenty more weeks of benefits.

I'm not going to think about debt today; I'm just going to do my best to avoid any new debt.

Disability doesn't seem to apply to me, although I haven't exhausted researching that possibility. So far I've been able to find work where I'm not required to work at night (need to have a full night's sleep after night meds), I'm not in a large office atmosphere (being bombarded with a variety of sounds leads to my brain misinterpreting them), and my work situation is not stressful (except for the uncertainty of having enough work to provide the income that I need).

I need enough income to pay for (in order of importance):
Periodic visits to doctor

I put shelter before food because to maintain I need a peaceful, calming, environment where I feel safe. I currently live in that type of situation.

About every three months, I do a critical reassessment of what I have to offer, how it can be used, and how much it is worth. Then I research related job opportunities or look at ways I could freelance or begin my own business.

Fortunately, I had been signed up for auto refills at my pharmacy and they usually processed those every twenty days. The dosage on some of my meds changed and the pharmacy never updated their records so I have a small stash. Two of my essential meds come in generic form and the other is frightfully expensive (I've included this in my monthly budget).

Research for employment opportunities and/or self-employment options takes priority today. In order to maintain equilibrium, for right now it must be first and foremost.

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